From the Pit of Wicked

I’ve been busy this week getting Broadway Across America’s Wicked up and running for a 3 week Austin tour. Those of you who have played it know the challenges at hand. So significant, in fact, that the Percussive Arts Society Rhythm! Discover Center museum has dedicated a portion of an exhibit with pictures and set up maps.

In other ways of using technology to learn from each other there is an informative Facebook group page entitled Wicked Percussionists. And, of course, two episodes of Percussion Axiom TV dedicated to issues involved of my original run of the show in 2009.

What resources can you recommend to readers that can help someone else prepare for a gig? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Originally posted on on January 26, 2012 by Thomas Burritt.

Percussion Axiom TV: Episode #46 “It’s all in the Prep..”

In this episode we talk a bit about the animal that is being a show percussionist. Its all about the preparation! Get an inside look at what happens from the pit of Wicked… Note: (This episode originally ran on August 17th, 2009). What do you think is important when it comes to playing musicals/shows? Do you have a funny or interesting story from a past experience?

Leave your comments/stories in the comments below.

For more episodes visit: Percussion Axiom TV

Originally posted on DrumChattr on October 17, 2010 by Thomas Burritt.

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