Last night, I was fortunate to be at the opening concert of the Zeltsman Marimba Festival at Rutgers University. The second half of the concert featured the reunion of Marimbolin, a marimba/violin duo featuring marimbist Nancy Zeltsman and violinist Sharan Leventhal. They played 4 pieces and the music they created was breathtaking and performed with a high level of musicality. I hope this was not the last time we hear from Marimbolin.

Today’s video features clarinetist Michael Norsworthy & marimbist Nancy Zeltsman performing 3 movements excerpted from Messiaen’s Poèmes pour mi (originally for soprano & piano):

II. Paysage (Landscape)
III. La Maison (The House)
VI. Ta Voix (Your Voice)

If you are not familiar with Messiaen’s music, please check out Quartet for the End of Time.

Dave Gerhart

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