We are excited to announce the 4th Annual BookChattr 2014. This year we will be reading Learning to Listen: The Jazz Journey of Gary Burton: An Autobiography by Gary Burton.

A seven time Grammy Award winner, Gary Burton was born in 1943 and raised in Indiana. He taught himself to play the vibraphone and, at the age of 17, made his recording debut in Nashville, Tennessee, with guitarists Hank Garland and Chet Atkins. In the 1970s, Burton began his music education career with Berklee College of Music in Boston. Burton began as a teacher of percussion and improvisation at Berklee in 1971. In 1985 he was named Dean of Curriculum. In 1989, he received an honorary doctorate of music from the college, and in 1996, he was appointed Executive Vice President, responsible for overseeing the daily operation of the college.41mnkXH5h2L._SL500_AA300_

Why this book? It has been a while since we have read an autobiography (The Percussionist’s Art: Same Bed, Different Dreams – Steven Schick). Mr. Burton’s new book has been receiving a lot of critical acclaim and I thought our community would enjoy reading it.

Starting July 1st, we’ll read a few chapters a week. Each week, we will be putting up summaries and discussion points for the chapters. (Please use the link above to purchase your book. If you use this link, you will help support DrumChattr.)

After we finish the book, we will put together a Google Hangout to talk about the book. I am also going to email Mr. Burton and see if he will join us for an interview. Thanks and enjoy the book!

Dave Gerhart

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