I’ve written before about the PASIC 2011 Panel discussion “Creative Uses for Technology in Percussion Teaching” but never posted a summary of the actual event. So, in an effort disseminate valuable information (and make available to all of you who have asked) today’s post features the final hand out from the discussion in Indianpolis at PASIC 2011. Thanks to Jonathan Latta and Michael Schutz for some great information.

Creative Uses for Technology in College Percussion Teaching

A PASIC Lab Presentation in Collaboration Between the PAS College Pedagogy Committee and the PAS Music Technology Committee
Presenters: Dr. Thomas Burritt, Dr. Jonathan Latta and Dr. Michael Schutz

Preparing Students for the “New Economy”

Internet as Disruptor- “Say goodbye to the Industrial Era”
A gradual and painful economic shift to a “New Economy” has begun.
What does this mean for the field of education and the performing arts?
How do we (or should we) prepare students for this “New Economy”?

– elimination of middle men and gate keepers = more opportunity “niche” artists
– social media allows unprecedented access to connect with others worldwide
– little to no investment barriers, video, audio, web site building etc..

The Internet as a Resource-Students have free access to almost any information
Free, Infinite Learning about ANY topic.
iTunes U
Wikipedia (crowd sourcing)
Corporate Web sites
Blog Reading
Podcast listening

Researching Recordings/Repertoire Study/Repertoire Discovery
Spotify, Rdio, Rhapsody (free/paid streaming services)
Google Music – Access to entire music library on any device for easy reference

Internet as Opportunity-Utilizing these tools to move their impending career forward
Building an internet presence to prepare for life in the “New Economy”

Personal web site (free and cheap tools)
Learning of CMS (content management systems)
Use of social media platforms
Social Interaction

Some Webpage Resources
Percussive Arts Society
Vic Firth

Recruiting and Retention Tools
College Webpage-Instructor and Studio
Facebook Page/Twitter
Studio Blog
YouTube Page of Performances
Stream Live Concerts
Videos of your teaching
Online lessons for All-State Auditions Music

Teaching Tools
Video and Audio Recording of Lessons
Using Dropbox for Large File Sharing
Using Audacity for Sound Editing and Waveform Analysis
MalleKat usage for Creativity as well as Accompaniment
Generate Electronic Ear Training Exercises
Create MIDI Harmonic Exercises for Timpani Tuning
Reference Quality YouTube Videos for Music Study

Practice Room Tips
Multi-Track/Advanced Metronomes
Audio and Video Record
Recorded Play-Along
“Amazing Slow Downer”
Generate Polyrhythm Programs
Transcribe from YouTube

Staying Connected
“Distance Drumming”: Use Skype to bring in guest lectures and masterclasses to your remote campus
Video-Conference discussions with colleagues
Bring composer of an ensemble or solo work to campus for feedback via Skype
Generate Online Classes

Ensemble Teaching Opportunities
Audio and Video Record
MalleKat Usage for Instrument Substitution Needs
Body Beat Sync Metronome
Electronic Drum Ensemble
Create Online Listening Library of Ensemble Works

Research Tools
WikiSpaces: Easy-to-use wiki site that offers free upgrades for educational groups. This is a great way to quickly and easily create a wiki for your studio for internal organization/communication (i.e. studio members have to log in to view content). This can also be used as a simple public website.

Mendeley: Free reference manager, “academic social network” and research organizer. Automatically extracts referencing information from articles and auto-manages citations as well as references lists within research papers. Entries can be shared amongst a research group, greatly reducing time consuming formatting of reference lists.

MAX/MSP: Not cheap – but good academic discounts for students and teachers. Annual subscription plans will soon be available. Used frequently in electronic music, it can also be used to generate controlled sounds for music research.

GraphClick: Inexpensive way ($8) to extract precise spatial information from graphs and videos

Snapz Pro X: This is an easy way to screen capture videos and still images, and offers a variety of codec options for optimizing bandwidth usage.

R Studio: Very powerful software for generating graphs and doing statistical analyses. Although it has a steeper learning curve than other statistical/graphics programs, it is incredibly powerful and is being used more and more often by researchers in a variety of disciplines.

For those of you who would like to print here is a pdf (no links of course!):

I learned a lot from this panel. What are your thoughts on the information above? Do you have anything to add? Leave your thoughts below.

Originally posted on DrummChattr.com on January 5, 2012 by Thomas Burritt.

Dave Gerhart

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