
Every year in November, the Percussive Arts Society hosts PASIC (Percussive Arts Society International Convention). PASIC is the largest percussion event in the world featuring over 120 concerts, clinics, master classes, labs, workshops, panels and presentations. This year, PASIC is in Indianapolis on November 19-22, 2014.

Over the next couple of days, I will post updates from Indy. It is always great to be around so many inspirational performances and friends in the percussion community. If you are going to be at PASIC, please leave a comment below and maybe we can set-up a meet-up.

Be sure to check out the new “Social PASIC” page and make sure to include #pasic2014 on to be featured on the new site. Here’s an example of the page:



Steel Drum Photo Credit: PAS – Austin All-Star Steel Drum Band (Tony McCutchen, Cj Menge and Dave Gerhart – Directors)

Dave Gerhart

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