
Thanks for your continued support of my new website. I am really enjoying my conversations and interactions with everyone. Please do me a favor and subscribe to my YouTube channel and sign up for the newsletter (in the right column of the blog). I appreciate it and thank you in advance. Here are the weekly reads for this week. Please make sure to leave links to what you have been reading below in the comments.

Why Practicing Practicing from an Early Age Is so Important

A Guide To Hashtag Etiquette
I have been working on developing a strategy for promoting a good friends website and in this guide is a good introduction to hashtags. In the future, I am going to be exploring more principles about social media marketing.

Beethoven’s Surprisingly Simple Habit for Creative Breakthroughs
I just came across The Sparring Mind blog and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for essays about creativity.

Why Cramming for Exams Doesn’t Work
I am going to put together a suggested reading list in the near future. Recently, I have been reading Make It Stick by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel. The book talks about how we learn and how the methods we thought were the best for studying are not the best ways to retain knowledge. I am only 15% into the book, but even at this point, I can highly recommend it. Thanks to the Bulletproof Musician for turning me onto this book.


The photo in this post is used under the Creative Commons License: Attribution – NonCommercial – No Derivs 2.0 by Shannon Kokoska on

Dave Gerhart

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