
As we approach summer, it is time to work on new repertoire, learn a new technique, continue to build current technique, listen to music, read some books, and go experience art. It would be great to hear what you are planning on doing. Add your comments below. Here are my goals for the summer:

1) New Repertoire: Three Mood for Steel Pan – Ney Rosauro
2) Listen to Music: Since reading the Amanda Palmer book, I am interested in checking out her music. I also want to listen to Alarm Will Sound, Zoe Keating, and Paul Lanky.
3) Books: The Girl on the Train, Becoming Steve Jobs, Kafka on the Shore, Everything I Never Told You, and Yes Please.
4) I also want to compose some new pieces.

It is always valuable to write down these goals. Please share you goals in the comments below. Here are some articles for the week. Enjoy!

Become a Stronger Leader by Asking Yourself These Three Questions by Patrick Allan

Using Partnerships To Accelerate Content Marketing & Link Building by Eric Enge

Stop Talking and Start Listening to Become More Persuasive by Eric Ravenscraft

Why Percussion? by James Doyle

Dave Gerhart

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